
Criminal Justice

At M State, you can begin building the foundation for a career in the field of criminal justice with our Criminal Justice degree options.

At M State, students who are seeking a career in law enforcement have the opportunity to complete educational and practical requirements necessary to apply for peace officer licensing. Our faculty have extensive experience in criminal justice, and students develop valuable on-the-job skills through our internship program.

Our 60-credit Associate of Science degree is offered on our Moorhead campus.

Here is what you'll learnwds icon

  • Gain basic knowledge and career skills, and develop values and attitudes consistent with professional employment opportunities in the criminal justice system
  • Participate in learning experiences that will prepare students for the challenges of their careers
  • Gain the needed knowledge, skills and values for a smooth transition to an advanced degree program in criminal justice
  • Meet the academic requirements for peace officer licensing established by the 快播成人 Board of Peace Officers Standards and Training
  • Develop an understanding of the necessity of collaboration between law enforcement agencies and their communities
  • Develop a code of behavior consistent with the professional and ethical standards of police officers and criminal justice professionals
  • Demonstrate an understanding of community involvement and service

There are career opportunities in criminal justice with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies, 快播成人 Department of Natural Resources, 快播成人 Department of Corrections, Department of Homeland Security, private security agencies, and local corrections agencies and departments.

For students interested in a career as a correctional officer, M State offers a 24-credit Correctional Officer certificate that provides pre-employment preparation. The certificate program also provides continuing education for employed correctional officers. Students who complete the certificate can transfer into the Criminal Justice AS degree for peace officer licensing.


Ryan Brown

Ryan Brown

Criminal Justice

I knew this was the school for me when I went to check out the 快播成人 and met Jeff Nelson, the Criminal Justice coordinator. He is very knowledgeable about law enforcement topics, and he works with you if you don鈥檛 understand something.

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